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For more about the author of Divorce and Remarriage in the church: Biblical solutions for pastoral

Realities, visit: (I refer to this book on pages 114-

115 of Life Beyond Divorce.)

This website contains links to all the publications by David Instone-Brewer some of which I have

listed below:


Academic Publications:


  • 1996: "Three Weddings and a Divorce - God's marriage to Judah, Israel and the Church" (Tyndale Bulletin 47, 1996, 1-26). (online version)

  • 1997: "Deuteronomy 24:1-4 and the Origin of the Jewish Divorce Certificate", (Journal of Jewish Studies 49, 1998, 230-243) (pre-pub version)

  • 1998: "Nomological Exegesis in Qumran 'Divorce' Texts", (Revue de Qumran, 18, 1998, 561-579) (pre-pub version)

  • 1999: "Jewish women divorcing their husbands in early Judaism: the background to papyrus Se'elim 13", (Harvard Theological Review, 92, 1999, 349-57) (pre-pub version)

  • 1999: "The Use of Rabbinic Sources in Gospel Studies", (Tyndale Bulletin 50, 1999, 281-298) (online version)

  • 2000: "Jesus' Old Testament Basis for Monogamy", in The Old Testament in the New Testament: Essays in Honour of J.L.North ed. Steve Moyise, JNTS Supp 189 (Sheffield: Sheffield Ac Press, 2000) 75-105 (pre-pub version)

  • 2001: "1 Corinthians 7 in the light of the Graeco-Roman Marriage and Divorce Papyri" (Tyndale Bulletin, 52, 2001, 101-116). (online version)

  • 2001: "1 Corinthians 7 in the light of the Jewish Greek and Aramaic Marriage and Divorce Papyri" (Tyndale Bulletin, 52, 2001, 225-243) (online version) 

  • 2002: Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible: the social and literary context (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002) (website)

  • 2017: "Evidence of Non-Heterosexual Inclinations in First Century Judaism" in Marriage, Family and Relationships: Biblical, doctrinal and contemporary perspectives ed. Thomas A. Noble, Sara K Whittle, Philip S. Johnston. (London: Apollos IVP, 2017) p.138-154 (pre-pub version)


Less-academic Publications:


2007: (Time magazine interview): "An Evangelical Rethink on Divorce?" by David Van Biema, Time (Nov. 5th 2007).

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