This course is run by Holy Trinity Brompton and is for those who are separated, those who are
currently going through a divorce, or those who are already divorced, whether recent or at any time
in the past. The course, while based on Christian principles, is relevant and helpful for anyone with
or without a Christian faith or church background. Restored Lives runs three times a year and is both
practical and supportive, giving any separated or divorced person the opportunity to discuss the
challenges they are facing and the tools to deal with these effectively.
Topics covered include:
Facing the Effects of Separation and Divorce
The Importance of Good Communication
Resolving Conflict
Divorce – The Legal Issues
Parenting Issues
Moving Forward with Hope
For further details please visit www.htb.org/restoredlives
For more details please visit www.restored lives.org which is the website for the umbrella charity
which has useful information on other courses running, available resources and help that is available.